Resolve account details

Resolve a bank account to get the account holder's details

Resolving Bank Account Numbers

In order to properly make use of this endpoint. You need to retrieve the bank code from the /banks endpoint. Also, ensure you are working with the right account details.

    "account_number": "0690000032",
    "account_bank": "044"

Resolving Kenyan mobile numbers for MPesa Transfers

Similar to resolving account details, You can now resolve mobile numbers for MPesa transfers. Please note, you should only attempt to resolve registered Mpesa numbers.

    "account_number": "+2547060xxxx6",
    "account_bank": "MPS",
    "type": "MOBILEMONEY",
    "country": "KE"
    "status": "success",
    "message": "Account details fetched",
    "data": {
        "account_number": "2547060xxxx6",
        "account_name": "FIRSTNAME LASTNAME"

Resolve Flutterwave Merchant ID

Just like with bank accounts, you can resolve a recipient merchant ID for wallet to wallet transfers. This helps you to ensure that the merchant ID receiving the transfer is authentic before initiating the transfer:

    "account_number": "7981223",
    "account_bank": "flutterwave"

Sample Response

    "status": "success",
    "message": "Account details fetched",
    "data": {
      "account_number": "7981223",
      "account_name": "Flutterwave Developer Account"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!