Rave Parameter Definition

This page describes the parameters that can be passed in your inline JS function

The paramters to be passed are listed here, required and optional parameters are listed and described.

Rave Inline Script Parameter reference

Parameter Reference

PBFPubKeytrueYour merchant public key provided when you create a button.
integrity_hashfalseThis is a sha256 hash of your getpaidSetup values, it is used for passing secured values to the payment gateway.
txreftrueUnique transaction reference provided by you.
payment_optionsfalseThis allows you select the payment option you want for your users, see Choose Payment Methods for more info.
payment_planfalseThis is the payment plan ID used for Recurring billing ].
subaccountsfalseThis is an array of objects containing the subaccount IDs to split the payment into.
amounttrueAmount to charge.
currencyfalsecurrency to charge in. Defaults to NGN
countryfalseroute country. Defaults to NG
customer_emailtrueEmail of the customer.
customer_phonetruephone number of the customer.
customer_firstnamefalsefirstname of the customer.
customer_lastnamefalselastname of the customer.
pay_button_textfalseText to be displayed on the Rave Checkout Button.
custom_titlefalseText to be displayed as the title of the payment modal.
custom_descriptionfalseText to be displayed as a short modal description.
redirect_urlfalseURL to redirect to when transaction is completed.
custom_logofalseLink to the Logo image.
onclose: function()falseA function to be called when the pay modal is closed.
callback: function(b)falseA function to be called on successful card charge. Users can always be redirected to a successful or failed page supplied by the merchant here based on the response.
meta:[{metaname:‘flightid’,metavalue:‘93849-MK5000’}]falseAny other custom data you wish to pass.

Rave Embed Code Parameter reference

Parameter Reference

data-PBFPubKeytrueYour merchant public key provided when you create a button.
data-integrity_hashtrueThis is a Sha256 hash of your getpaidSetup values, it is used for passing secure values to the payment gateway.
data-txreftrueUnique transaction reference provided by the merchant.
data-payment_optionsfalseThis allows you select the payment option you want for your users, possible values are card, account or both.
data-payment_planfalseThis is the payment plan ID used for Recurring billing ].
data-subaccountsfalseThis is an array of objects containing the subaccount IDs to split the payment into.
data-amounttrueAmount to charge.
data-currencyfalsedefaults to NGN currency to charge the card in.
data-countryfalsedefaults to NG route country.
data-customer_emailtrueEmail of the customer.
data-customer_phonenumbertruephone number of the customer.
data-customer_firstnamefalsefirstname of the customer.
data-customer_lastnamefalselastname of the customer.
data-pay_button_textfalseText to the on the Rave Checkout Button.
data-custom_titlefalseText to be displayed as the title of the payment modal.
data-custom_descriptionfalseText to be displayed as a short modal description.
data-redirect_urlfalseURL to redirect to when the transaction is completed.
data-custom_logofalseLink to the Logo image.
data-meta-[custom_param]falseAny other custom data you wish to pass.

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