Account Verification

This document will show you how to verify bank account numbers

There's a need to verify user-provided credentials before initiating payments or giving value. Flutterwave gives you the ability to verify bank account numbers through our account resolution endpoint:

Account Verification Parameter Description

Method: POST
Header Params - Content-Type: application/json

recipientaccountTrueThis is the account number you want to verify.
destbankcodeTrueThis is the bank mapped to the account, get a list of banks codes from the List of Banks for Transfer
PBFPubKeyTrueThis is your merchant public key.
currencyFalseAdd this when resolving a Ghanian account. Expected value is GHS
countryFalseAdd this when resolving a Ghanian account. Expected value is GH

Sample Request Payload

  "recipientaccount": "0690000034",
  "destbankcode": "044",
  "PBFPubKey": "FLWPUBK-4e9d4e37974a61157ce8ca4f43c84936-X"

For more details about Account Number Verification, see our reference section here

    "status": "success",
    "message": "ACCOUNT RESOLVED",
    "data": {
        "data": {
            "responsecode": "00",
            "accountnumber": "0690000034",
            "accountname": " John Madakin",
            "responsemessage": "Approved Or Completed Successfully",
            "phonenumber": null,
            "uniquereference": "1583918729383-254",
            "internalreference": null
        "status": "success"
    "status": "success",
    "message": "ACCOUNT RESOLVED",
    "data": {
        "data": {
            "responsecode": "RN0",
            "accountnumber": null,
            "accountname": null,
            "responsemessage": "Error/Invalid Account!",
            "phonenumber": null,
            "uniquereference": "1583918466533-202",
            "internalreference": null
        "status": "success"